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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Goose: Amazing migratory birds

  • The first bird domesticated by man was the goose.
  • The original and classic foie gras is made from goose liver.
  • Geese are entirely herbivorous, consuming plant material exclusively.
  • Migratory geese flight range 2 – 3 thousand miles.
  • Resident geese flight range: 100 –200 miles to find food, water, and safety.
  • Geese will find a new mate if mate dies or is killed.
  • The Geese eggs in a nest are called a "clutch", avegaring 5 per nest.
  • In the event the clutch is lost to a predator, the goose will lay a new clutch.
  • Baby geese are called "goslings".
  • Natural predators of geese are foxes, raccoons, owls and snapping turtles
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Superorder: Galloanserae
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Subfamily: Anserinae
Tribe: Anserini

The most familiar and widespread goose in North America, the Canada Goose, can be found all across the continent, from the tundra in Canada to the Gulf Coast. Many populations are resident in urban and suburban areas, and often come into conflict with people. In appearance, a “resident” Canada goose is identical to a migrant. The only differences between a resident and migrant are that the resident breeds in the United States and does not migrate. The “acid test” to determine residency is the presence of nests and goslings in the contiguous United States during the spring breeding season. In the wild, the birds can eat nearly all plant species and parts, including aquatic, but especially enjoy grasses, clovers, sedges, grain, and berries.
Generally the term foie gras is used for goose liver, although it is also used to refer to duck liver. Goose liver is considered superior by most people.

Mother goose lays 1 egg approximately 1_ days apart until full clutch is obtained. Mother goose waits until all eggs are laid before she begins to sit on nest to incubate eggs. Incubation time: 28 – 30 days. Undeveloped eggs (still fluid) will sink or float vertically with the wider portion of the egg pointing down. All geese eggs in a single clutch hatch on approximately the same day.


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